DCF.js Overview

DCF.js is a fast and general-purpose cluster computing system. It provides high-level API for Node.js, and an optimized engine that supports general executing graphs. It's a re-implementation of Apache Spark.

Installing and Running the Shell

To get a quick shot of DCF.js, you can install dcf with npm or yarn. You must install node.js 8.0+ first. If you haven't, download from Download | Node.js.

npm install -g dcf

Then you can run interactive shell cli with


Running the Examples from Source

You can download source of DCF.js from git repo, install dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/dcfjs/dcf.git
cd dcf
npm install

Then you can run examples like following:

npm run ts-node src/samples/tutorial-0.ts

Install as Dependency

If you decide to use DCF.js in product, you should install it as a dependency

npm install --save dcf

We suggest you to use typescript as scripting language. Type declaration of DCF.js is included in npm package.

Last updated